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Dia De Los Muertos

On Halloween, students in Jen Crowley's Spanish III class created an altar in FA's library in preparation for the Day of the Dead (Dia De Los Muertos), typically observed on November 1st and 2nd. In the weeks leading up to this, Crowley's students have been studying this two-day holiday that brings the living and the departed together. During All-School Meeting, Robby '25 and Maria '25 provided a brief explanation of the Mexican tradition, where families create offerings (ofrendas) to honor their departed loved ones. They described how altars are adorned with vibrant yellow marigold flowers (flor de Muerto), which are believed to serve as spirit guides, along with photos of the deceased and their favorite foods and drinks. It is thought that these offerings encourage visits from the realm of the dead.

The Day of the Dead represents a unique opportunity to celebrate both life and death, shifting from mourning to festivities. It's a rich fusion of cultures and beliefs rooted in pre-Hispanic and Christian origins. The Aztec celebration, lasting nearly a month, was a joyous expression of gratitude for their ancestors. Over time, it evolved into a celebration that blended Indigenous traditions with the Christian holy days of All Saints Day and All Souls Day. Today, this day is celebrated worldwide as an occasion to honor and remember our ancestors and to recognize the universal truth that transcends social status, race, or background: the inevitability of death.
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