List Detail

Academic Program

Have there been any changes to the calendar?
The need to have students scheduled and teachers supervising for every period of every day and after school precludes teachers from meeting during the school day at a time when it is never more critical for teachers to engage in ongoing and collaborative (not to mention restorative) professional development.  There is a strong possibility that we will announce additional in-service/no class days designated for faculty development as well as attention to the facility.  

Are you able to provide a visual depiction of the final academic schedule at this time?
There are still a few items yet to be resolved but we will include a visual of the. schedule in our next mailing.

What are you able to tell me at this time about the academic schedule?
Instead of a  7-block schedule with every class meeting at approximately the same time every day, we intend to follow a 5-block rotating schedule that eliminates study hall/free periods and the elective period, the scheduling of which would increase the frequency with which students from different grade levels come into close contact with another and increase unstructured corridor and common space traffic and density. Because teaching in a socially distanced classroom where most students are in the room but some students are attending remotely requires extra time, each class will meet for 60 minutes.  

How will breaks and passing time between classes be handled?
We are designing the schedule to minimize student movement, but students who need to travel to other rooms will be dismissed one by one with a reminder to remain socially distanced as they proceed to their next class.  As stated above, a staff member will be assigned to each main corridor to supervise.

Will students be taking multigrade electives during the fourth period?
To minimize transitions and the frequency with which students come into close contact with students from other grades, fourth-period electives have been eliminated.  Some multigrade courses will continue to be offered as After School Activities (ASA’s) when they will lend themselves more readily to health mitigation measures.

If there are no electives, when will students have opportunities in the arts?
The arts are incredibly important, especially during this time.  To ensure that every student has a broad experience in the arts, we are for this year, expanding our “Arts Across the Curriculum” program to also include drama, photo, and music.  Throughout the year, art teachers will step into academic classes to deliver discipline-related art projects spanning one- to two-week periods of time.

What about other program enhancements like study skills, research skills, and wellness?
These programs will continue to meet during designated science blocks.

Will there still be physical education classes during the academic day?
7th and graders will take PE 1x/week during the multipurpose block.

Is there a precise social distance you have established for students and teachers in the classroom?
The Massachusetts State Department of Elementary and Secondary Education recommends at least 3’ of distancing between students. This said, our classrooms are being arranged such that social distances between students will be much closer to 6’ which, coupled with mask usage, significantly reduces the risk of transmission.  

What protocols will you follow in the classroom to ensure that these social distances are being reinforced?
Seats will be assigned, face forward, and be arranged to maximize the distance between each student. Class materials will rarely be shared and in the event that they are, they will be disinfected before and after use. At the end of each class period, students will be dismissed one-by-one, wiping down their desk-chair units before leaving.  

Will the students remain in cohorts or pods that prevent them from interacting with all but that group of students?
No. Given that many of our students travel to school in mixed grade-level groups already, will participate in afterschool activities in mixed grade-level groups, and, in a small but not insignificant number of cases, attend classes in mixed grade-level groups, in addition to having a number of “crossover” teachers, the prospects of adhering to a strict cohort model in a middle/high school program were not feasible.  This said we have taken a number of steps to reduce the frequency of and closeness of contact between students of different grade levels and ensure adult presence and reinforcement of health mitigations in those instances when they share the same space. Additionally, in building the schedule we are endeavoring to keep as many students in the same class groups for as many periods a day as is feasible.  

Will you be taking advantage of opportunities to meet outdoors?
Yes.  In the coming weeks, we are installing several open-air tents and furnishing outdoor classrooms in each.  These spaces will also make ideal spots for mask and lunch breaks.  

How will a snack break and lunch break be handled?
Most of the time, snack time will take place directly following the second period in the same classroom, and under the supervision of the same teacher and lunch will take place directly after the third period, again under the supervision of the same teacher.  Provided that students are 6’ apart, under close supervision, masks may be removed at this time. Please note, students must have snacks and lunches with them. School cooking appliances (refrigerator, microwaves, etc.) will not be available for general student use. Students who order lunch from Windfall Market will have those lunches delivered to the classroom. 

Will there still be an all-school meeting?
Although gathering in person by grade level is feasible, larger/all-school gatherings will take place via Zoom until we are confident that we have space and the established routines to manage gatherings of over fifty students safely.

Will there be assigned seating?
Yes, students will have assigned seats for each class. Having a record of where each student is sitting in every class and activity will assist with the process of generating a list of close contacts in the event that a student or staff member tests positive.

What about the 7th, 8th, and 9th-grade parent conferences scheduled for the fall?
Given the number of new practices, policies, and protocols, as well as the scheduling challenges that the fall will entail, we will not be dedicating days to parent-teacher team conferences.  All students will receive a full set of progress reports and parents may request through their student’s advisor a conference, the scheduling of which the advisor will coordinate.

Can my student request a remote learning alternative and if so, can you provide more details about this experience? 
Later in the month, those students who are requesting a remote learning model will be prompted by Dr. Ehrenbrink to complete a form indicating as much.  If you are already certain that you will be requesting the remote learning option, please contact Dr. Ehrenbrink directly.  While students will not be precluded from participating remotely on short notice, it is immensely helpful to our teachers to be aware of students who intend to do so over an extended period of time.

Can you tell me more about how the remote learning option will work?
Students who opt for remote learning will attend class via Zoom. The teacher will be able to see them on their computer screen and they will be able to see clearly, via a camera positioned in the front of the room, the front of the classroom, the teacher, and the whiteboard. They will also be able to hear and be heard clearly by the teacher and students in the classroom. All teachers will be posting assignments and materials on MyFA, which will serve as the one and only learning management system for all classes.  The academic expectations of students who opt for remote learning will be the same.

Are you considering a planned period of remote learning in the later fall/end of the calendar year to avoid additional complications from the flu season coinciding with the travel season around the holidays?
A number of colleges and boarding schools are taking this approach.  We have not at this time made a definitive decision on the relative merits of our doing so but we will communicate all learning models and calendar changes to you as soon as we have confirmed them.
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